Horde, un peculiar corto animado

Escrito por José Angel el . Publicado en Vídeos impactantes

Horde- Te ponemos un corto animado que nos ha gustado mucho, especialmente al sector más grasiento de Super7moto.com, tiene un par de años y se nos había pasado, pero nunca es tarde... (Sigue Leyendo)

Directed by BRVTVS - brutuscollective.tumblr.com

Thibaud Clergue - thy-works.blogspot.com
Aurélien Duhayon - aurel.the.portfolio.over-blog.com
Sébastien Iglesias - sebastien-iglesias.tumblr.com
Camille Perrin - camilleperrin.fr

The Making of: vimeo.com/brutuscollective/makingofhorde

Music by Lionel Flairs for Hit'n'Run - wearehitnrun.com
Sound design by Florian Calmer - hypnago.com
Mixing by Benoit Rault and Florian Calmer

We used LH Auto Rig 1.0 created by Ludovic Habas for the characters' rigging - cg-animation.com
Facial and motorcycles riggings were done by Lucas Morandi - fr.linkedin.com/pub/lucas-morandi/53/9a3/2b9

This project was able to see the light of day thanks to Armand Béraud and Machine Molle, who kindly hosted us for two months - machinemolle.com


Red - media.joomeo.com/large/53d7a2eae8b48.jpg
Blue - media.joomeo.com/large/53d7a32adcd8c.jpg
Black - media.joomeo.com/large/53d7a34d8e358.jpg
Green - media.joomeo.com/large/53d7a33a912d5.jpg

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